What the Flux

Flux is a state of change. Like a cell or body dividing and growing, or aging and dying. Always moving, always changing. The most interesting Flux of all is the Vacuum Flux! It is also known as the Quantum Vacuum Fluctuation.

When you are looking for an electron for example, you have to “renormalize” the data you have collected in order to see the electron. This is because when you look deep into matter, at some point all you can see is an infinite field of seemingly chaotic energy. Once you “renormalize” the data however, you can then observe the tiny tiny bit of energy that is the electron. But hold on, just a minute here, what exactly was the infinite field of energy we had to “renormalize”? Well my friends that infinite field of energy is the vacuum flux. It is the space between! Like the Dave Matthews Song “The Space Between” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H67uEgRZs2Y).

The Vacuum Flux is the space between the duality of nature. It is the space between the wave and the particle. It is how an electron can be both a wave and a particle. The vacuum flux is the field from which all energy and matter is derived. It can be neither created or destroyed. It exists in all things. There is no place that it does not exist. It predates the big bang. Understanding the Vacuum Flux is how we can understand duality, and potentially gain a new vista from which to observe our reality.

I believe the quest to understand the vacuum flux will open doors of understanding to deeper questions. Questions about human nature and perhaps even questions about God.

The vacuum flux is like a sea of energy. It is like “the force” from Star Wars.

“Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.”
―Obi-Wan Kenobi

These ideas about a force, or energy fluctuation, or spirit, or aura, or perhaps even god are all ideas, and they are potentially describing the same thing using different words from a different frame of reference. Evolution and creation are at the heart of it a description of the same thing – existence. Evolution is the language of biology. Creation is the language of spirituality. These two languages have been subject to much focus on how they are different and how they are incompatible. Let us choose another language so we can focus on how they are the same. Let us choose math and physics as our language. Math and physics are a language that can take us to deep into the heart of the question without so much emotional baggage. Come with me on this journey to the space between.

What the Flux!